Grateful Patients Make Bruno Cancer Center Upgrade Possible

Sandy and Ted Berglund

According to Sandy Berglund, her husband, Ted, was a talker, an outgoing guy who could walk into a roomful of strangers and soon be acquainted with everyone in it. So not long after he began treatment for advanced cancer at the Bruno Cancer Center, he was on a first-name basis with many of the staff […]

New Sinks Clean Up Health Risks

Sterile processing team members pose with new sink

New ergonomic decontamination sinks were recently installed in the Ortho and Main sterile processing areas at UAB St. Vincent’s Birmingham. The sinks are used to remove contamination from instruments used in surgical procedures. Each sink has three soaking compartments and integrated water/air nozzles for cleaning. “The pandemic illuminated the amazing dedication of several supporting departments […]

Sculpture Brings Historical Meaning to New Facility

(L-R) Mr. and Mrs. Brad Morton with Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Allison

The February opening of UAB St. Vincent’s East Freestanding Emergency Department (FED) in Trussville was a source of great celebration not only for the facility’s staff but for the entire community. The excitement of the opening day was accompanied by a blessing and dedication, tours of the facility, and opportunities to honor the donors who […]

Cool Beans, Hot Coffee, Warm Friendships

Kyle McGee and his communication partner, Michael Richards

Thanks to a coffee cart business called Kyle’s Cool Beans, associates and guests at UAB St. Vincent’s One Nineteen can purchase a morning cup of java, enjoy a visit with the proprietor, and go about their day with a smile. The Cool Beans story began seven years ago when Veronica McGee was searching for a […]

The Works of Arts in Medicine

Arts in Medicine

UAB St. Vincent’s Ministry Formation is delighted to welcome UAB Arts in Medicine (AIM) to two campuses, made possible by the generous support of UAB St. Vincent’s Foundation. The AIM program was founded to incorporate the arts into a healthcare setting. It strives to transform the care environment and enhance well-being and healing through creative […]

Planned Giving: Estate Gift “Insures” Family Legacy

Donna and Tom Foster

Tom Foster learned about generosity early in life. His father died when Foster was just a kid, so he, his mother, and his siblings were often dependent on the kindnesses of their friends and neighbors in their hometown of Talladega. “He was essentially raised by the community,” said daughter Laney Blanchard, “and he never forgot […]

In Memoriam: Dr. Mack Nathaniel Barnes

Dr. Mack Barnes

When Dr. Mack Barnes passed away on June 24, 2023, he left behind an indelible mark on the field of oncology at St. Vincent’s, so it is only fitting that his legacy be commemorated in a lasting way. Thus, the UAB St. Vincent’s Foundation has commissioned a portrait of Dr. Barnes to be hung in […]

Bench Honors Camp Bluebird Counselors

memorial bench for camp bluebird

Camp Bluebird counselor Myra Franklin wanted to honor her friend, Judith Anthony, a fellow counselor who had recently passed away. Myra discussed it with other counselors and they decided to not only honor Judith but five other counselors who passed in recent years. A decision was made to recognize them with a memorial bench. Lloyd […]

Love for Camp Bluebird Prompts Legacy Gift

Olivia Davidson

Since 2015, Olivia Davidson has served as a Camp Bluebird volunteer. Her sisters also volunteer, driving from Georgia and using vacation time for camp time. “It’s become a family affair,” said Davidson, who helps with registration. “We make gift bags, sort and fold T-shirts, and make cute little door tags (bluebirds of course!) so campers […]

A Cardiologist with a Heart for Giving

Dr. Alain Bouchard

Some people have a talent for gift-giving, a knack for selecting the perfect gift, one that delights the recipient for having received it and the giver for having given it. Dr. Alain Bouchard is one of those people. A cardiologist with Cardiology Specialists of Birmingham who practices at UAB St. Vincent’s, Dr. Bouchard has not […]